Public Meeting
17th August 1887
Business: To receive estimates of (?) hall, and instruct the committee re building said new hall.
W Ray in the Chair
The minutes of meeting of 3rd August (?) on the motion of Mr Wm Menzies seconded by W D McGregor.
Mr C Tippett proposed / Mr (?) Jelly seconded, that this meeting instruct the Committee to accept of Tenders for new hall, pug walls, for the sum of £84.0.0
Size of hall to be same as named in motion carried 3rd August 1887
Mr D McGregor proposed / Mr James Ritchie seconded, that the present hall is quite suitable (?) for the present
Further amendment
Mr McGregor proposed that before any tenders are accepted the Committee canvas the district and see what support they can get towards building new hall.
Seconded by Mr Joseph Moore
A vote of thanks to Chair
Closed the meeting
W Parcell (signed)