Dwelling #140. Menzies Terrace, Stewart Town.
The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.
Group | Date | Description | |
1 | c1876 - 1883 | David Stewart | Details |
2 | c1876 - 1894 | John Downie Menzies | Details |
3 | 1894 - 1903 | David Ure McGregor | Details |
4 | 1903 - 1904 | Archibald McGregor | Details |
5 | 1904 - 1908 | John Courtney Lynn | Details |
6 | 1904 - 1923 | Mrs Mary Ann Lynn | Details |
7 | 1912 - 1925 | William Lynn | Details |
8 | 1935 - 1956 | Mrs Mary Emily Gordon | Details |
9 | c1930s | Albert Manson | Details |
10 | 1938 | George Stewart Brown | Details |
11 | 1956 - 1979 | A J Beaton | Details |
12 | 1979 - | A D Beaton | Details |
13 | B MacAlister | Details | |
14 | Department of Conservation | Details |
The table below shows any historical notes about the location.
Note | Date | Short Description | Note Text |
2016 | c1876 | David Stewart moved to Stewart Town. | David Stewart moved to the top end of Pipeclay Terrace where he built dwelling #140. The area became known as Stewarton, but was later changed to Stewart Town although there was never a town as such. Mr Stewart was involved in mining in the area and with the help of Mr J D Menzies he constructed around 6 miles of water race from Long Gully to Stewart Town. The two men then built a large storage dam (Menzies Dam - see location #136) and sold water to other miners. Later the water race was extended though to Slaughteryard Hill in Bannockburn. Davey Stewart, as he was known, was a bachelor and his mining partner John D Menzies, who was also a bachelor and a Scotsman, live with him in dwelling #140. |
2045 | 1894 | Purchase of dwelling #140, along with Menzies Dam. | In 1894, on the death of John Menzies, Mr D U McGregor (and possibly his brother Archibald McGregor) purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136) along with the water rights, from the estate of Mr Menzies. They operated Menzies Dam, selling water to the miners for sluicing. It appears that David McGregor moved from his Pipeclay Gully dwelling (location unknown) to dwelling #140. It appears that he also planted a small orchard at Stewart Town. |
2047 | 1894 | David (and probably his brother Archibald) McGregor purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136). | David (and probably his brother Archibald) McGregor purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136). |
2048 | 1903 | After the death of David McGregor, his brother Archibald continued to operate Menzies Dam. | After the death of David McGregor, his brother Archibald continued to operate Menzies Dam. It is unclear what happened to dwelling #140, and who lived in it, if anybody. |
2050 | 1904 | Mr John Lynn purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136). | Mr John Lynn purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136) from Archibald McGregor. John Lynn and his son William were listed in Stones Directory as miners. John Lynn continued to operate Menzies Dam and the water races, however not very much mining was being undertaken. Mr Lynn extended the orchard planted by David McGregor and irrigated it from the water race. |
2053 | 1910 | Valuation report on Stewart Town. | A valuation report on Stewart Town listed the following assets : - a paddock around dwelling #44 planted in 150 fruit trees - a cow paddock where dwelling #137 had been - a paddock to the west of the above area, planted in 150 fruit trees - a paddock between dwelling #140 and Pipeclay Gully Road planted in 150 fruit trees - Menzies Dam (location #136) - water race from Long Gully to Bannockburn - 4 heads of water - 77 chain of fencing the above valued at £57-15-00 - stable (location #138) £20 - buggy shed (location #137?) £15 - store room (dwelling #139?) £20 - stone house (dwelling #140) £35 - cob house (dwelling #141?) £20 - 12 acres of grass £20 Total value = £187-15-00 |
2054 | 1910 | Purchase of leases on additional land in the Stewart Town area. | It appears from the Lands & Survey records that Mrs Lynn purchased the lease of the land around dwelling #44 from the estate of Mr Peter Maher, which was planted in fruit trees. It also appears that she purchased the lease of the land around dwelling #137 from the estate of Mr Adam Aitken. This land was used as a cow paddock. (These purchases may have been made by John Lynn before he died - it is unclear from the records) |
2055 | 1912 | William Lynn took over the lease on Stewart Town. | It appears that Mrs Lynn's son William took over the occupation lease of Stewart Town on 8 May 1912. |
2059 | 1919 | The water rights from Menzies Dam were leased to a mining company. | The water rights from Menzies Dam were leased to a mining company. |
2062 | 1925 | It appears that William and Jemima moved from dwelling #140. | Mr & Mrs Lynn may have moved from dwelling #140 about this time, as they were both listed as being in Cromwell on the electoral roll, with William listed as a farmer. |
2064 | 1935 | Mrs Mary Gordon took over the lease on Stewart Town. | On 1 Jan 1935, Mrs Mary Emily Gordon took over the lease on the Stewart Town area, including dwelling #140 which seemed to be the only remaining dwelling at Stewart Town. Mrs Gordon did not live in the dwelling (see dwelling #264). |
2065 | c1932 ? | Mr & Mrs Manson rented dwelling #140. | Mr & Mrs Manson rented dwelling #140. |
2067 | 1938 | The Brown family rented dwelling #140 for the winter of 1938. | In June of 1938 the Brown family moved from the Nevis where they had been living. Mr Brown had been working as a farm worker, miner and dredge hand. Work was scarce and the family moved away to find work. It appears that Mr Brown found work as a roadman / labourer. The family only lived in dwelling #140 for the winter of 1938, and following that they moved to Cromwell. It appears that they were the last people to live in dwelling #140. |
The table below shows a list of images related to the location. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.
Image Id | Source | Date | Short Description | |
341 | Paul Crump | 1998 | Dwelling #140 looking south west. | View Image |
342 | Paul Crump | 1998 | Dwelling #140 - looking north west. | View Image |
623 | R Murray - Cromwell | c1898 | Stewart Town - looking west | View Image |
649 | Paul Crump - Bannockburn | 2001 | Stewart Town looking north west. | View Image |
654 | Paul Crump - Bannockburn | 2001 | Stewart Town, looking east. | View Image |
655 | Paul Crump - Bannockburn | 2001 | Stewart Town - looking west | View Image |
656 | Paul Crump - Banockburn | 2001 | Remains of dwellings #140 and 138 | View Image |
657 | Paul Crump - Bannockburn | 2001 | Remains of dwelling #140. | View Image |
2427 | Paul Crump - Bannockburn | as at c1912 | Dwelling #140 - Stewart Town | View Image |
2428 | Otago Daily Times | 24 Jun 2016 | Dwelling #140 Stewart Town - Restoration Effort | View Image |