Location 150
Dwelling #150.
Map 5

Felton Road


Kawarau River Flat


Dwelling #150. Kawarau River Flat, Felton Road, north side, Doctors Flat sludge channel, east side.

Still Standing


Construction Details

Stacked stone, single room. Possibly with corrugated iron roof.

Location Type


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Interested Parties

The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.

Group Date Description
1 c1878 - c1883 ? C Tippett Details


The table below shows any historical notes about the location.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
2097 General Notes. Dwelling #150 is mentioned in J P Parcell's 'house by house' notes. It is also mentioned in the 'Report on a survey of prehistoric and historic sites in the Cromwell area, Central Otago' (Charles Higham, Graeme Mason & Simon Moore - Otago University).
2098 1976 Description of dwelling #150 - source unknown. " The two huts (dwellings #149 and #150) are one roomed, and stone walled. Both take advantage of the natural hill slope for one wall and for protection from weather. Both were badly disintegrated. "
2099 1989 Area containing #150 was filled in. The lower end of the Doctors Flat sludge channel where dwellings #149 and #150 were located was filled in with material excavated during the re-alignment of the Bannockburn Hill Road.


The table below shows a list of images related to the location. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description