Location 239
Dwelling #239
Map 11

Shepherds Creek


Shepherds Creek


Dwelling #239. Shepherds Creek.

Still Standing


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Interested Parties

The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.

Group Date Description
1 c1934 - 1968 Mrs Emma Parcell. Details


The table below shows any historical notes about the location.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
2695 c1934 House location. Dwelling #239 was located on the true left bank of Shepherds Creek, downstream of the Adams Creek / Shepherds Creek confluence.
2696 c1934 Dwelling 3239 is built. About this time Mr Philip May Parcell had dwelling #239 built for his wife and family. It appears that it was built by a Cromwell carpenter names John William Gibson (Jack). Mrs Parcell and her daughters had been living in dwelling #244 while Mr Parcell lived in dwelling #252. Mrs Parcells daughters lived with her for some time. Beatrice (Toms) married a Mr Shellis, a returned serviceman. They went to Oamaru where they ran a poultry farm.


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Image Id Source Date Short Description