Location 395
Location #395 - Nevis Hotel Huts (3)
Map 5



Doctors Flat


Location #395 - Nevis Hotel Huts (3) Doctors flat, Bannockburn Domain, north side of the pavilion.

Still Standing


Construction Details

Timber framed, one room, corrugated iron huts (x3)

Location Type


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Interested Parties

The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.

Group Date Description
1 c1909 - 1953 The Nevis Hotel Details
2 1953 - 1987 The Bannockburn Domain Board Details


The table below shows any historical notes about the location.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3335 c1909 General notes. These thee one roomed hots appear to have been built as part of the Nevis Hotel, Nevis Township, however they may have been moved here from other locations in the Nevis Valley. The date of their construction is unknown, but is possibly around 1909-1925.
3336 1953 General notes. The Nevis Crossing Hotel lost it's licence in 1946, and was finally closed in 1952. In 1953, the Bannockburn Domain Board purchased some of the materials and huts. This was to construct a pavilion and accommodation for the Domain. Three one roomed huts which had formed part of the accommodation for the hotel were purchased by the Domain Board. The huts were transported to Bannockburn and set up in the Domain with the help of Ted Lawrence and Mr Dave Baird. Two huts were used in the domain as accommodation for the camping ground, while the third hut was set up as a 'separate' kitchen for the new pavilion.
3337 1987 The last hut, an accommodation unit, was demolished. The last hut, an accommodation unit, was demolished.


The table below shows a list of images related to the location. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description
42 Ken Adie c1936 Nevis Hotel. View Image
682 Paul Crump - Bannockburn c1956 War Memorial Gateway - Bannockburn Domain - Dedication Ceremony View Image