Location 457
Dwelling #457
Map 5

North Road



Dwelling #457 North Road, north side

Still Standing


Demolished in 1986

Construction Details

Timber framed, with corrugated iron cladding. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and storeroom.

Location Type


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Interested Parties

The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.

Group Date Description
1 c1935 - 1960 Allan Campbell Details
2 c1946 - c1947 Edna Campbell (widow of Colin James Campbell) Details
3 1961 - 1981 Burthus Valk Details
4 1981 - 1983 William Dennison Details
5 1983 - 1985 Anthony Lidgard Details


The table below shows any historical notes about the location.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3490 c1935 Dwelling #98 extended to become dwelling #457. By this time Mr Campbells family was growing (6 children) and dwelling #98 had become too small, so he decided to increase it's size. He contracted Clam Sutherland, and his son Arthur (dwelling #134) to extend the house - which then became dwelling #457. The materials for the alterations came from the demolition of dwelling #5 in Terrace Road. It was extended from 2 bedrooms, kitchen and lounge to 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and storeroom.
3493 c1946 Edna Campbell came to New Zealand. Some time after her husbands death, Mrs Edna Campbell came to New Zealand to meet her husbands family. It appears that her and her son came to live with them in dwelling #457.
3498 1961 Burthus Valk purchased dwelling #457. Mr Valk purchased dwelling #457 from Mr Campbell and the Valk family moved there from dwelling #34. Burthus worked for local shearing contractors Mr Eric Maskill and Bill Foreman. he also worked as a fruit picker and took on water race work. He also planted a small orchard of apricots and plums and built a packing shed.
3500 1981 Mr Valk sold dwelling #457 to Mr Dennison. Burthus Valk sold dwelling #457 to William Dennison. The Valk family moved to Schoolhouse Road and rented dwelling #214 (school residence) while their new house in Domain Road, opposite dwelling #457 was built. Mr Valk was involved with the Bannockburn School Committee until the school closed in 1971. He held positions as chairman and secretary.
3501 1981 General notes. The Dennisons continued to run the small apricot orchard planted by Mr Valk
3503 1983 Tony Lingard purchased dwelling #457 from William Dennison Mr Tony Lingard purchased dwelling #457 from Bill Dennison, and lived in the house for some time.
3504 1986 The house was demolished Mr Lingard built a new house on the western side of dwelling #457. The local by-laws dis not allow for two dwellings on one property so Mr Lingard demolished dwelling #457. Some time later he also cut down the apricot orchard which had been planted by Burthus Valk.


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Image Id Source Date Short Description