Location 6
Dwelling #6
Map 4

Terrace Road



Dwelling #6 - Low side of Terrace Road opposite the Dennisons new house.

Still Standing


Construction Details

Timber and iron

Location Type


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Interested Parties

The table below shows the groups of people that had an interest in this property, either as owners, residents, tenants or shareholders. Clicking on the 'Details' link will display a list of the individuals in the group along with any known historical information about them.

Group Date Description
1 John Barr Details
2 McArthur Sisters (MacArthur ?) Details
3 1926-1943 Jim Leslie Details
4 Alfred Faithful Details
5 ? - 1948 Alfred Manson Details
6 1948-1957 Leslie George Menzies Details
7 1957-1982 Jon Graham Todd Details
8 1982-1997 Murray Thomas Dennison Details
9 Neville Ritchie Details
10 1997 Andrew Dennison Details


The table below shows any historical notes about the location.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
197 1875 John Barr lived in Smiths Gully in 1875. It is not clear where, or when he moved to dwelling #6 John Barr lived in Smiths Gully in 1875. It is not clear where, or when he moved to dwelling #6
199 The Barrs also had boarders living with them The Barrs also had boarders living with them. (see resident #2 the McArthur sisters)
212 1957 John Todd purchased dwelling #6 from Leslie Menzies On 19 November 1957 Mr Todd purchased dwelling #6 from Mr Menzies
213 1982 John Todd sold his farm, and dwelling #6 to Mr M T Dennison John Todd sold his farm, and dwelling #6 to Mr M T Dennison
216 1982 Murray Dennison purchases dwelling #6 On 9 November 1982 Mr Dennison purchased dwelling #6 from Mr Todd. Mr Todd stayed on for some time until his new home was built. Mr Dennison did not live in dwelling #6 but rented it to Mr N Ritchie.


The table below shows a list of images related to the location. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description
293 Paul Crump 1998 Dwelling #6 - looking south. View Image
294 Paul Crump 1998 Dwelling #6 - looking north. View Image
944 Land Information NZ - Dunedin 1921-1923 Bannockburn Survey 1921-1923. Surveyor S T Burton. Field Book no 909, page 23(a). View Image
945 Land Information NZ - Dunedin 1921 - 1923 Bannockburn Survey 1921-1923. Surveyor S T Burton. Field Book 909 Page 23 (b) and part (a). View Image