John Courtney Lynn
Dwelling #140.
Group Number 5

Group Members

The table below shows the people that make up the group.

No Last Name First Names Maiden Name Relationship Occupation Born Died School Year
1 Lynn John Courtney Owner Miner, carrier, orchardist 22 Jul 1908
2 Lynn Mary Ann Smith Wife


The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
2052 For more complete details of the Lynn family, please refer to dwelling 51.

For more complete details of the Lynn family, please refer to dwelling 51.

2050 1904 Mr John Lynn purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136).

Mr John Lynn purchased dwelling #140 and Menzies Dam (location #136) from Archibald McGregor. John Lynn and his son William were listed in Stones Directory as miners. John Lynn continued to operate Menzies Dam and the water races, however not very much mining was being undertaken. Mr Lynn extended the orchard planted by David McGregor and irrigated it from the water race.

2051 1908 Death of John Courtney Lynn

John Lynn died on 22 Jul 1908 at the age of 65 years. He was buried in the new Cromwell cemetery. Mrs Lynn continued to live at Stewart Town with her seven daughters and one son.

2053 1910 Valuation report on Stewart Town.

A valuation report on Stewart Town listed the following assets : - a paddock around dwelling #44 planted in 150 fruit trees - a cow paddock where dwelling #137 had been - a paddock to the west of the above area, planted in 150 fruit trees - a paddock between dwelling #140 and Pipeclay Gully Road planted in 150 fruit trees - Menzies Dam (location #136) - water race from Long Gully to Bannockburn - 4 heads of water - 77 chain of fencing the above valued at £57-15-00 - stable (location #138) £20 - buggy shed (location #137?) £15 - store room (dwelling #139?) £20 - stone house (dwelling #140) £35 - cob house (dwelling #141?) £20 - 12 acres of grass £20 Total value = £187-15-00

2054 1910 Purchase of leases on additional land in the Stewart Town area.

It appears from the Lands & Survey records that Mrs Lynn purchased the lease of the land around dwelling #44 from the estate of Mr Peter Maher, which was planted in fruit trees. It also appears that she purchased the lease of the land around dwelling #137 from the estate of Mr Adam Aitken. This land was used as a cow paddock. (These purchases may have been made by John Lynn before he died - it is unclear from the records)

2055 1912 William Lynn took over the lease on Stewart Town.

It appears that Mrs Lynn's son William took over the occupation lease of Stewart Town on 8 May 1912.

2056 c1914 William Lynn went to fight in WW1.

William Lynn went to fight in WW1. Mrs Lynn continued to run the orchard and live in dwelling #140, using the water rights to irrigate the property.

2057 c1923 Mrs Lynn moved to Dunedin.

It appears that Mrs Lynn moved from dwelling #140 in Stewart Town to Dunedin where she died in 1945.

2817 c1945 Death of Mrs Mary Lynn.

Mrs Mary Lynn died in 1945 at Pleasant point and is buried there.


The table below shows a list of images related to the party group. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description