The table below shows the people that make up the group.
No | Last Name | First Names | Maiden Name | Relationship | Occupation | Born | Died | School Year |
1 | Hodson | William James Smith | Owner |
The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.
Note | Date | Short Description | Note Text |
2742 | c1918 | Location of the dam |
Eastern side of Jocelyn Road, on terrace between Jocelyn Road and the Bannockburn-Nevis Road. Near the head of Toms Gully, south of dwelling #241. |
2743 | c1918 | General notes. |
About this time Mr William James Smith Hodson constructed the dam to hold water from the Bannockburn (Shepherds Creek) water race to irrigate his 'Hyawatha' orchard. The dam was made from the surrounding Carrick gravels and lined with clay using a horse and scoop. |
2744 | 1948 | Death of John Parcell in the dam. |
On 10 May 1948, John O'Brien Parcell (son of J P Parcell of dwelling #61) was accidentally drowned in mud while cleaning out the dam for Mr J D parsons. He was dug out by Ted Lawrence. John O'Brien was buried in the Cromwell cemetery. |
The table below shows a list of images related to the party group. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.
Image Id | Source | Date | Short Description |