William Anderson & party.
Location #388 - Gold Mine
Group Number 1

Group Members

The table below shows the people that make up the group.

No Last Name First Names Maiden Name Relationship Occupation Born Died School Year
1 Anderson William Owner


The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3317 1863 Mine location.

On a river terrace on the northern side of Cornish Point, Kawarau River. Approx 800m upstream of Cromwell.

3318 1863 General notes.

Source - Heart of the Desert : In August, William Anderson and party worked two claims, exact locations unknown, the 'Alliance' and the 'Hit or Miss'. They won 287 ounces of gold in 3 weeks work. The gold was very distinctive in that it had a brown 'skin' of iron oxide which made it appear as if it had been burnt.

3319 1863 General notes.

(Further papers relative to the Otago Goldfields - presented to the General Assembly, Wellington 1865 - Mining Surveyor Mr J J Coates) " In the vicinity of the township of Cromwell (Kawarau) there is a mining locality known as 'Duffers Point', the ground of which during the low level of the Kawarau River, proved extremely rich : but when the volume of water in the river increased, it became impossible to work it so that for some months past, claims upon it have remained in most instances unworked. Now however that the river is again receding, the proprietors of this most valuable ground have erected a costly water wheel, which with a Californian pump is now vigorously and profitably at work. "


The table below shows a list of images related to the party group. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description