Owners unknown
Dwelling #412
Group Number 1

Group Members

The table below shows the people that make up the group.

No Last Name First Names Maiden Name Relationship Occupation Born Died School Year


The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3364 2004 General notes.

Dwelling #412 had been hidden in the thick briar until construction work for the Bannockburn Heights subdivision uncovered it. At this time (Jan 2004), no history of the dwelling can be found. This area of Pennyweight Gully is to be partly back-filled as work proceeds on the subdivision. As a result, dwelling #412 has now been destroyed and covered with fill. The details of the original construction are unknown. What remained when recorded in 2004 was the remains of low dry stone walls, roughly constructed. The dwelling was approx 6m long (east west) and 4m wide.


The table below shows a list of images related to the party group. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description