Patrick Cotter
Dwelling #494
Group Number 2

Group Members

The table below shows the people that make up the group.

No Last Name First Names Maiden Name Relationship Occupation Born Died School Year
1 Cotter Patrick Husband Rabbiter
2 Cotter Ethel Wife


The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3545 1927 Mr Cotter lived in dwelling #494 in the winter months.

The Cotter family were renting dwelling #70 in Domain Road. In the winter months until 1930, Mr Cotter lived in dwelling #494 in Duffers Gully and trapped rabbits.

3546 1930 General notes.

For a few months Patrick was joined by his wife and family. Richard (Dick) Cotter can remember being in Duffers as a small boy (3 years old ). He remembers playing with his mothers cream and white mixing bowl when he was told not to. he bumper it off the table and it broke. His father had to ride his horse into Bannockburn to get another one. He also remembers a photo taken in Duffers of his mother with his brother and sister on a white horse. At this time there was nobody else living or mining in Duffers Gully.


The table below shows a list of images related to the party group. Click on 'View Image' to display more details about the image, and to view the image.

Image Id Source Date Short Description