Alexander McLachlan (Long Alex)
Location #504 - Bannockburn Coal Pit
Group Number 1

Group Members

The table below shows the people that make up the group.

No Last Name First Names Maiden Name Relationship Occupation Born Died School Year
1 McLachlan Alexander (Long Alex) Owner / Manager Miner


The table below shows any historical notes about the party group.

Note Date Short Description Note Text
3569 1870 Mine location

Lower Adams Gully on the southern side, approx 150m upstream from the Bannockburn-Nevis Road - Adams Creek crossing. The underground workings are shown on a survey plan produced by Mr J Hayes (inspector of mines) c1902 ? of the Kawarau Coal Mine, (location #255). The surcey plan shows two adits about 15m apart (see photo 1157). The author believes that the northern portal driven to the west with a decline of approx 90m (grade unknown) is location #386. The other portal about 15m to the south is location #504, with a decline of about 120m (grade unknown) driven to the south. The underground workings may still exist but the portals have been closed off and the exact location is now unknown.

3570 1870 General notes.

in December 1870, Alex McLachlan ws operating a coal pit in Adams Gully and was supplying coal to the Royal Standard Battery at Quartzville. The price of this coal was 19 shillings per ton, and the battery required 9 ton of coal per week.

3571 1873 In December of 1873, Mr McLachlan sold his coal pit to Mr John Dere.

In December of 1873, Mr McLachlan sold his coal pit to Mr John Dere.


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Image Id Source Date Short Description